Jordi Verbaan (1989) lives and work in Rotterdam, The Netherland. He graduated in June 2012 as an furniture maker at the ‘Hout- en meubileringscollege (HMC)’, Rotterdam. Currently Verbaan studies Fine Art at the Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam

The visuals he creates are affecting and becoming to life. They distort, transform and go to a new guise. You can see it as a performance, but only with materials. A big role in his practice is examining and researching the limits of materials. The chosen material which he used makes the strength of the material more visible. This focus comes from the realization that there are more visuals produced, than people think about materials.

For enquiries please contact:
or: +31 6 27 33 98 20

- artworks - furniture - interiors - custom design - products - concepts -